Peru ~ trip of my dreams!

…“maybe right now your journey isn`t about love. Maybe right now your journey is about you. Maybe this is the season you`re being challenged to be your own savior, to be your own safe place.“…
I always dreamed of travelling to Peru – especially to the Machu Pichu – probably because of my cling to mystical places and my memories of my time in Mexico, where I visited some of the most beautiful Maya places – and felt somehow spirituelly connected.
Peru is a destination that offers a high diversity of explorable places. In this vast and storied land, ancient, colonial, and modern traditions meld together for an unforgettable cultural experience.
Anyway, this journey should become a turning point of some of my beliefs and thinking. It was the first time since years, that I had the possibility to spend two weeks entirely with me, myself and I. After a time of tremendous personal changes, I could focus entirely on my needs, wishes and aims. All that by drifting through days filled with adventures, unexpected incidences, beautiful landscapes, colourful surroundings and interesting people.
With Corona still out of sight, I started the trip of my dreams to Peru in Lima last February, completely on my own.
Having taken over 600 pictures on my trip, choosing the most explicit ones for this blog was quite a challenge. However, I let my intuition guiding me…and you will – hopefully – grasp the emotion and ambience of the locations shown;)
Lima – City centre

I didn’t expect much of Lima, but I definitely wanted to start and finish my trip there in order to profit from the temperatures (I am a summer girl and we had still winter in Munich!), the ocean and all amenities of a big city.
Plaza de Armas, Lima Courtyard, Lima
Actually, it doesn’t look anything like the tourist images of the Andean people posing in bright dresses in front of any inca ruins or llamas. As I expected nothing I was quite surprised by the attractions offered by this vibrant city with its colonial architecture, its beautiful buildings with their intricately carved wooden balconies and Baroque flourishes. The kindness of the “limeños”made my discoveries even more precious.


Miraflores is an upscale suburban district of Lima located about 10 kilometers from the central city.
Otherwise, Miraflores was known only as a sleepy beachfront resort town for most of the 19th century. However, as the city of Lima continued to grow, Miraflores was eventually absorbed into the larger urban area and became one of the city’s most important districts.
Hotel Attalea, Miraflores, Lima Hotel Attalea room, Miraflores, Lima
Among all the huge number of hotels, I luckily chose the Attalea Hotel, a very small and charming boutique hotel with only five rooms. Honestly, I felt like in a friend`s house – so welcomed and looked after!
Today, the glitzy suburb of Miraflores is probably the most popular district in Lima from a tourist’s perspective The famous boardwalk known as the Malecón is the perfect place for an afternoon stroll and gives spectacular views of the Ocean and the beaches below.
Miraflores, Lima, Parque del Amor Miraflores, Lima, coastal view

South of central Lima and Miraflores, the suburb of Barranco has long been popular with artists and writers. Although not as manicured as Miraflores, Barranco has some beautiful houses in colonial and republican style that perfectly matches the green and flower-filled parks around.
Barranco, Lima, house front House front in Barranco, Lima
This district is probably the coolest place in Lima with great restaurants and themed alternative bars for Peruvians and foreigners alike.

Barranco, Lima, Colonia Café Panaderia, Barranco, Lima
It has a blooming art scene that will give you a sense of being the most romantic and bohemian area of the city.


Oh, I really loved this beautiful “white” city. Quite calm, picturesque and inviting in a very subtle way.
The “Arequipans” are considered to be the “germans” among the peruvian inhabitants. Disciplined, hard working, structured! Well, to be honest – I couldn’t tell the difference 😉
Impressed by the life of the Domenican nuns in the beautiful monastery Santa Catalina, I was intrigued by the peaceful and spiritual atmosphere within the old murals that gave a humble home to the nuns from 1580 onwards.
Arequipa, Santa Catalina red Arequipa, Santa Catalina blue
However, my absolute “must” in any place I go is the local market. For me, a life elixir and a deep sight inside in the culture, habits and life of the inhabitants.

Arequipa, Mercado de San Camilo, papas Arequipa, Mercado de San Camilo, hierbas Arequipa, Mercado de San Camilo, frutas

Honestly – I had my issues with Cusco, the original seat of power for the Inca empire. However, no doubt, Cusco is a beautiful city. From its Inca and 16th century colonial architecture, to its narrow, winding streets, the city has a romantic vibe with a distinct European feel.
Cusco, strolling Cusco, little grocery shop Cusco, Mercado San Pedro
I especially loved the markets – again – and the highly vibrant atmosphere. But somehow, I couldn`t connect…

I was more than happy to leave it the other day to head to Ollantaytambo.

The Sacred Valley also known as Urubamba Valley, is a prime destination for exploring Inca ruins and enjoying outdoor activities. You can easily make day trips to this region from Cusco or Machu Picchu, but consider staying a night or two at El Albergue, a historic and romantic hotel, located in the Ollantaytambo train station.
Hotel El Albergue, Ollantaytambo Hotel El Albergue, reception, Ollantaytambo
And I loved the peaceful atmosphere in my lovely hacienda-style hotel, just beneath the railroad station.

Climbing up the famous inca ruins and exploring the narrow little pathways filled my day.
Strolling in Ollantaytambo Flora and Fauna, Ollantaytambo
The whole place reminded me very much of the mountain area of Switzerland with its blooming flora and fauna, the greenish fields, the mountains around and the river. I could have stayed a bit longer for literally absorbing the good vibrations!
Machu Picchu

THIS WAS SO AMAZING AND BLIZZFUL! Even if it sounds like a cliché, there is this special magic in the air!
Machu Picchu, afternoon Machu Picchu, path to the mountain Machu Piccu, in the clouds
Fortunately I booked two slots on two days (a big thank you for this tip to my friend Fine of for a extensive tour AND a walk (actually a power step-mountain climbing!) to the peak of Machu Piccu Mountain early in the morning AND being the first one on top. WOW!!! I was in heaven*
Machu Picchu mountain top Machu Picchu, view from the mountain
As I mentioned in the beginning, this trip broadened my mind and touched my soul! I feel so lucky having had the opportunity to listen to my gut and just leave – just in time before the Corona pandemie changed all our lifes!
Memories last forever….

uiii was für ein schöner Artikel? … brings me back to that beautiful place and unforgettable experience!
…war mir ein Anliegen;) Danke! Wie reich wir sind mit unseren schönen Erinnerungen!!!
Wunderbar schöene Fotos! Danke! Sehr, sehr viel deines Textes kann ich nachvollziehen. Machu Picchu war und ist magisch auch für mich. Ich war allerdings 1998 dort. Ganz Mittel- wie Südamerika ist für mich eine Art 2. Heimat. Toll, dass du die Reise alleine, nach deinem pace begehen konntest, eine Erfahrung, die mir noch fehlt. Ich war kurz nach deiner Reise in Mexiko mit meiner 20 jährigen Tochter erstmals zu zweit 17 Tage unterwegs, was ein sehr besonderes Erlebnis für uns beide war.
Alles Gute und weitere schöne Reisen, fern und nah.
Lieben Dank! Ja, ich bin so froh noch diese Zeit gehabt zu haben – vor dem Shutdown! Deine Reise durch Mexiko war ja auch gerade noch machbar 😉 Ich war dort auich – allerdings 94/95. Damals habe ich in Playa del Carmen gearbeitet und von dort bin ich dann gereist…. Auch ein wunderschönes Land. Hoffen wir, dass wir uns alle bald wieder auf nahen und fernen Pfaden bewegen können. 🙂