Within our family we always liked doing handicrafts. Probably because we sort of have a huge collection of haberdasheries at home due to our mum. She loves these kind of shops and can`t resist to buy…
However, I had the idea for this project when we spent an evening in one of our favourite restaurants in Hamburg „Le Marrakech“.
They had these little heat protections on their moroccan teapots, to prevent from burning your fingers while pouring the hot tea. They are also called „Bonhomme“, this is french and means „man“ or „little man“.
Anyway, it is a good thing to have for everybody into tea drinking and I made some of these last christmas for presents.
You need:
Fabric for the front and the back at least 15 x 20 cm
Fleece or lining material at least 15 x 20 cm
Ribbon ca. 3 cm x 50 cm length
Pins, thread and needle, scissors
1st Step
Prepare a pattern of an oval (17 cm length and 13 cm width).
Cut out one oval of each fabric and the lining material or fleece.
2 nd Step
Now you put the three ovals to one (with the lining material in the middle) and use pins to fix it.
Then you can sew it either with a sewing machine or by hand.
3 rd Step
This is the most diffcult part.
Start in the upper part and try to fix the ribbon along the edge evenly, so half oft he width on each side. Fix it with pins before you start to sew it.
4 th Step
Fold the upper part oft he oval inwards (ca. 4 cm ) and fix the pompon with a thread. Then you fold the oval lenghtwise and finish to close the upper end.
You have to close the upper bow, too, for about 2 cm.
Finally your „bonhomme“ is ready and you don`t risk to burn your fingers by serving hot tea.
Enjoy doing it and please, let me know about your results.
Hallo ?? Kann ich diese tolle bonnehomme bei Ihnen auch kaufen? Wenn ja, zu welchem Preid? Nachdem wir letztes Jahr unsere Teekanne aus Marrakesch mitgebracht haben, verbrennen wir uns regelmäßig. Selbst Stricken/nähen fällt mir schwer und Diese bonnehomme erinnert mich zu so wunderbar an 1001 Nacht in Marrakesch. 😉 herzlichen Dank. Liebe Grüße Sophia
Liebe Sophia, danke für das liebe Kompliment. Ja, auch wir haben damals diese Idee aus Marokko mitgebracht und gleich als Idee für ein Weihnachstgeschenk an alle Tanten, Onkle, etc hergenommen. Tatsächlich haben wir viele genäht. Inzwischen haben wir alle momentan keine Zeit mehr, aber vielleicht finden Sie ja jemanden in Ihrem Bekanntenkreis, der einen petit bonhomme nach unserer DIY-Anleitung nähen kann. Ich drücke Ihnen die Daumen! Viele Grüße, Bettina