Enlightening ~ The power of gemstones & crystals

…we wish upon shooting stars, believing there`s hope in the Universe, and in ourselves…
It started in my teen years – I got intrigued by gemstones and crystals! A very good friend of my father had a huge Amethyst cluster in his living room, sparkling in all shades of violet and lilac depending on the lighting conditions. Whenever I was in this room I was hypnotized by this natural beauty.
In the 1980s, with the advent of the New Age culture, the use of crystals and gemstones began to re-emerge more and more as a healing method.
So consequently, when I suffered of all kind of allergies, I believed in the power of stones! Even more as I tried all common desensitizing and pharmaceutical treatments, and none of it brought the expected relief.
It was on Kings Road, in a very tiny and dark shop called “Wild Ones”, where I found the right gemstones and crystals in form of pendants for a necklace. This was my therapy for the next five years ! Surprisingly – or not;) – my symptoms were reduced tremendously!
Ever since I pick my special power stones for various situations and treatments – physical but also emotional issues.

Gems, like crystals, are the fundamental constituents of transmitting, receiving and transforming invisible energy thus the crystalline structure of gemstones attract and condense the cosmic, planetary energies and transform them for use as gemstone remedies.
As a sort of “spiritual” person or rather attracted by spiritual science, I also was into Astrology since my teens and with time I plunged into this subject. (Even though scientific studies have never found evidence for the claims astrologers make, some people still think astrology is scientific.) In my opinion, Astrology is a modality which works in a very fluid, holistic, and complex manner to access and expand your own consciousness.
Still not a specialist, but very open to the individual interpretations of the personal birth charts (and I definitely like a little “bling”), I trust that certain gemstones are particularly beneficial for each zodiac sign.
It is believed that by wearing these prescribed gemstones, based on your horoscope, you can enhance the positive sides and overcome the obstacles in your chart, as they affect the subtle energy field.
Each Zodiac sign has its own birthstones, sub-divided into three decades. To give this even a more personal touch, you should also consider adding the relevant gemstone for your ascendant or the zodiac sign you have a strong planetary constellation.
Depending on your preferences you can either have your personal crystals and gemstones arranged on a special place or create a piece of jewelry.
Yes, I admit, I have my “special” stones around AND on me;)

As I am a Sagittarius (2nd decade) and with my ascendant and a strong planetary disposition in Aries, I chose chalcedony for the Sag, garnet for the Aries and some clear crystals for reinforcement (and I love the shining). Not to forget the rose quartz in form of a heart as you never can have enough love in your life!
So why don’t you look for your birth stones and get yourself the extra power and protection you might need!
Happy to assist you, if you need any help in “boosting your aura”!