Ladybug ~ make a wish…

When the ladybug flitters into our lives, it makes us smile and we are feeling blessed – as it has always been a symbol of good luck!
Subconsciously, I always associated this charming little insect with my second daughter – probably because I always dressed her in red 😉
Consequently, whenever I am planning her birthday table, ladybirds make a lovely decoration theme. Every year it is slightly different and it gets more and more difficult to surprise her with something new. Louisa is very artistic and has a great eye for color and details
Tabledecoration with ladybugs Ladybug birthday place
Although, I am really fond of decoration and all these little cute accessories, I am a very intuitive person. For instance, I am unable to plan every detail ahead; I tend to decide in the very last minute (usually the day before!) what it is supposed to look. As a matter of fact, I then have to rely on my improvisation gifts (oh, and I am very good in it!) and deal with the existing props. Luckily, I am a hunter and collector, so we do have all sorts of accessories and little decorative objects lying around the house.
Last birthday, I even had my youngest daughter plunging with me in the ladybug birthday preparation. She made the cutest little ladybug-cookies, all hand painted with lots of love – and patience (that her mother doesn’t have too much;).

The cutest places I could find for their landing, was the ceramic leaves I bought years ago in Portugal. I think they were meant to be for this occasion…
Raspberry birthday cake with ladybugs, candles lit Raspberry birthday cake with ladybugs
The more fancy part was the decoration – little wooden skewers embellished with coloured bands and handpainted ladybugs.
Birthday presents in pink/red with ladybugs
Beeing a family of five “girls”, there is no wonder that pink is a highly appreciated colour in our surrounding. Again, this birthday it was the dominant colour, with little spots of clushing red – the ladybugs!
Tabledecoration with ladybug and flowers Tabledecoration with flowers and ladybugs
And of course – flowers are never missing in this house!
…fly, fly ladybug….and make my wish come true!